Trish was wondering if we would ever be bothered parking in parking lots for the night, I said,I thought at least once in our trip we would be awoken during the night, that night it happened, a police car was outside, he shouted, please come out with your hands up! I went out, after getting some pants on, he stayed about ten feet away with his hand on his gun, he asked me what I was doing there! I stated we were tired, couldn't find a campground ,so we were trying to get a few hours rest. He said the manager didn't want us in the lot, I said OK, could you direct us to the Wal*Mart, he smiled and said it was three miles up the road, just out of his jurisdiction! Trish said she would never shop at a Kohl's, even if she won the lottery.
I took Trish to see the Tupperware museum in Kissimee, guess what, closed years ago! Can't afford Disneyland!
Breakfast this morning was grapes, gator jerky and a Bud Light! Grapes and BL for Trish, she wasn't eating no alligator. This from a person who tells me she once ate frogs legs and chocolate covered ants!
Camped at Blue Springs State Park in Orange City, many Manatees!!
Yesterday was Daytona Beach, drove by the Speedway, then onto the beach, you can drive for miles and miles on the beach, no charge! We are driving through St. Augustine today, then looking for a place to watch the football game this evening, Go Saints Go!
We seen a license plate that said, RETIRED , no address, no telephone, no watches, no money, that's us!