Camped in Alamogordo, NM , Trish had an issue again with bug bites, she has a bad reaction to them, we decided to drive to Roswell and if she didn't improve we were going to emergency. We drove through Ruidoso, NM , we went to the Billy the Kid center, very interesting! Smokey the Bear started here also, but we passed on the celebration days! Roswell is famous for aliens, we stayed at the Bottomless Lakes State Park and did not see one spaceship, but the stars were fabulous! Trish felt better at the end of the day! The "very first" thing we saw entering Roswell was a sign showing Ronald McDonald getting out of a spaceship to order a burger!
Cowboys used to tie a weight to their lariats, then join lariats, and try to measure the bottom of the lakes, but the underground springs that feed them would float their weights, so they called them bottomless! Turns out they are actually about 90 feet with modern measurements.
We stayed an extra day at Bottomless Lake, very beautiful and peaceful! Today we are settled in a free, yes totally free RV Park in Brownfield, Texas, complete hook-up and wireless internet for free, only 5 days allowed , but they know what they are doing, even on our limit of $99.00 a day, we will probably spend $400. while we are here, gas, propane, groceries, beer, wine,new door handle, etc. ,etc. We weren't going to go to Lubbock , forty miles north, but we changed our minds, Brownfield is dry in more ways than one, can't buy whiskey here, tomorrow we are going to Lubbock for liquor , and also the Buddy Holly museum, and then return to Brownfield and our free camping! Luckily, you can buy beer and wine in Brownfield, because we totally ran out last night. We were able to get our usual 30 beer for 16 bucks ,boneless pork tenderloin chops for 95 cents a pound, Lucy, they also had Lambrusco, one night without Canadian Whiskey will not kill us!!!