Thursday, April 1, 2010

We traded in our tabs for two free Tim's before getting on the ferry to Port Angeles , Trish got a few more photos in Beacon Hill Park, her favourite place in Victoria! Well, Washington is behind us and we are now in Oregon, just passing Mt. St. Helen's, a few more days to sunny California, wet weather is the norm in these two states! We have to keep moving or we will go mouldy or get covered in moss! Broke one of our major rules and did an Interstate yesterday,just to get south faster, back today to mountain roads around Portland, Eugene and other major cities! We are showing South east on the compass most of the time, Lucy in Louisiana just e-mailed and said in was 80 degrees there, that's our kind of temps, hope to spend a lot of time lying in the Sun for the next six weeks before we arrive in that lovely state!


Andy and Lucy said...

Glad to hear all is going well. Just absolutely beautiful weather here. Andy is having a horrible time with alergies. There is sooooo much pollen in the air my once blue truck is now green. Still in the 80's here and 60's at night. I havnt run the air or heat for just about 3 weeks now.....See ya'll soon....

clouddreamer47 said...

WoW1 We sure miss you guys! You got off the Island in good time. Had a terrible wind storm sweep over the Island the past 24hr....the worst one in 4 yr. Your camper would have been a rockin' in that wind! Power out all day. Our trees stayed upright but lots of damage everywhere. The marina at Millbay totally a hurricane blew in. Very cold! Old man winter won't let us go! Should have gone to Ontario for Easter..hehehee
Safe travelling , Knew you would take the interstate...running for the warmer weather! Is Paul's "little wood gnome" getting any warmer???