Saturday, May 15, 2010

Spent two nights on Lake Waco, wind was relentless, it just tires you out! Returned to Marquez, hoping to see Bubba again at his BBQ, turned out is was closed, his son-in-law went to Iraq. Camped near Huntsville , Texas, the prison museum has their old electric chair, it's called "Old Sparky" . Today they just give them the needle and they do it often, does my heart good when I read they have done away with another monster in Texas! One thing about it, they won't be able to kill again, unlike Canada.
We drive around 55 mph most days on our trip, but on Friday I asked a cop in Huntsville to escort me to the hospital because Trish was having a bad reaction to a bug bite, we did over 60 mph on city streets at times, went through two red lights, she spent a couple hours there and left with a script for antibiotics. She is well now and we are on Livingstone Lake in East Texas, staying for a week. The west Texas winds can drive you batty, for more than two weeks, from the time we entered New Mexico until now, it blew at least 25 miles an hour, day and night! The first day we almost got blown over , I swear two wheels were off the ground at times, winds up to 65 miles an hour on the desert! We haven't met anyone in Texas yet, that likes Obama!

1 comment:

Andy and Lucy said...

Oh my poor Trish~~you will have to start carrying around stuff for bites. We have alot here too. See ya soon and drive careful...