Tuesday, June 1, 2010

As we left B&G loop, our address for the past seven days, we saw a hawk circling us! Hurricane season officially starts in the US on June 1st, so we are hurrying to get home, Gary, we will be there for your birthday! We started travelling north but keep favouring Northwest highways, heading for Calais to cross the border. We passed the Bonnie & Clyde RV park ( we relate because we sometimes filch electricity) and have landed at another Louisiana State Park, we stated earlier that they were great, but this one surpasses them all, they have the cleanest and largest washrooms we have seen yet, the showers are no where near the shitters, the laundromat machines are only 75 cents, half what they are in the rest of America. The staff are the friendliest, they have a picture of a eighty(80) pound catfish caught here! We are travelling with catfish cooked cajun style by our Scottish friend Andy, the freezer is full! Catfish and Kraft dinner, wow!!!

1 comment:

Andy and Lucy said...

All was earily quite on our LSU porch this afternoon. Shelly called to wish ya'll safe travel on your route home and had told her ya'll had left already but I'd be sure to pass on her message. Talk to ya'll soon and drive safe.....XOXOXO