Wednesday, May 9, 2012

We are sitting in MacDonalds blogging, looking at the sign that says, over 99 Billion served, must be getting old, we remember when the sign bragged over 1 Billion sold!  Another day, another State, left Maryland, now in West Virginia.   The manager at our last campground showed us the yurts, said he thought they were used by Canadians, we explained that Mongolia is not in Canada!   We bought a forty pounder, a Carolyn's liquer, 5 litres of wine, and and six sixteen ounce beer, all for forty -eight bucks.  Can't even buy the fourty-ouncer in Canada for that! Propane exchange twelve bucks cheaper than home!  We saw a sign that said "Don't Drool and Drive", that's how we ended up at MacDonald's, despite those stupid buzzers, that the employees pay no attention to!  We have stayed at enough Wal*Marts now that the Wal*Mart trucks follow us, it used to be the other way around!  No joke, we stopped in a place called Accident, Maryland.  Maryland has many signs saying no texting, no cell phones while driving, how come you never see a sign saying no BJ's?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HAAAAHAAAAHAAAAA!!! Go figure... Sure wish yall couldve stopped in Charlestown, MD. that's where my bestest friend lives and runs her business. Safe travels and see ya'll next weekend!! Lucy and Andy