Monday, July 15, 2013

Sitting on the stern watching the sunrise over the Rock,  half hour earlier than the ROC! We had to be at the ferry at 4:30 am, Tim's doesn't serve breakfast until 5am, go figure!  The story of our trip across the province, too early or too late for breakfast sandwich or panini, we arrived near most Tim's shortly after noon hour. We talked to a guy that is home from Fort McNewfy, he says his wife has to stay here and take care of her mother, but he brings her out to Alberta once in a while,he finds it breaks up the monogamy!
What a great two weeks on the island, In Gander we visited the "Silent Witness" monument, 256 American Servicemen perished at the end of the runway in a crash during take-off.  A related story, during  9/11 when a New York bound plane was forced down in Gander, a woman on board realized this was where her son had died in the Army crash.  Her host family took her to the monument where she got to read her son's name, she then called her husband,only to to find out he had been killed in the plane that crashed into the Pentagon!

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