Thursday, May 10, 2012

"Don't forget your Mother on Mother's Day, remember, your the reason she drinks!" We have all the amenities even in a Wal*Mart parking lot, we have stove & oven, toilet & shower, Queen size bed, cold beer fridge and last evening we even had a wildlife show, we saw a crow grab a baby rabbit and fly away while the mother rabbit chased it! Then we watched a Baltimore Oriole leading a crow away from her nest & eggs, then we had a Robin's nest with three eggs in it drop off the light standard beside our camper!  Saw many hawks today, a great omen!  We found a Tim Hortons in West Virginia, what a treat!  Paid 3.61 for gas, that's 4.33 for a Canadian gallon compared to 6.00 at home! Tomorrow Kentucky!


Anonymous said...

HI! We cant wait to meet you both! Love reading your blogs. hope you have a safe trip to LA. Counting down the days until next weekend :)
lots of love,
Adam, Krystle, and Ryleigh

Anonymous said...

Hi all ur blogs but I'm late getting to them..glad ur having a great time & forget the seatbelt buzzer USE the the SEATBELT !! Want u 2 get there & back in 1 piece..LOL No change around here..Sunny today after 2 days of rain.. Will check u later..Hugs....Joanne