Monday, March 22, 2010

Across Canada in April or back to Sunny California, it's a coin toss and we want a coin with two heads, I think the Sunny South is going to win, we know there have beeen some unusual temps lately but you can have snowstorms in April and May in Canada, we plan on staying here until our income tax is done, then probably the warmer climes of Cal, Arizona, New Mex, and Texas will win. We have plans to be in Leesville, Louisiana for Lucy's birthday and Memorial Day, at the end of May. There are some people and places we would love to visit in Western Canada, but the Sun has won! The old truck made it Bernie, we figure over 7500 miles so far, and probably another 7000 to get home! We keep our fingers and toes crossed! Getting the brakes adjusted and checked before taking on the Rockies again! Hello to everyone in Chester Legion, see you in June!

1 comment:

Andy and Lucy said...

Ya'll already leaving Canada? Drive safe and cant wait to see ya'll the end of May. Warm here today.....70 no at 5:30 in the afternoon.....