Sunday, February 7, 2010

Wasn't that a Party?? Mighta' been the Coors Light at $1.00 a bottle, mighta' been the JagerBombs every half hour, my head is like a football! Two large pigs were consumed, and our team won. The New Orleans Saints did it!!! Who Dat music played all night, for two people that seldom take an interest in any sports except curling, it was very exciting, we were so glad for Andy and Lucy, we drove all the way back from Florida for the game and it was wonderful to see our team win!!!!!! We stopped off in New Orleans last Tuesday and that made the game even more meaningful to us, but to be with our American friends made it more special again!! Everyone is a little overhung this morning!!!

1 comment:

Brian and Cathy said...

Hey guys, sorry I haven't added any comments. I just remembered what my password was to follow you. LOL

Looks like you're both having a ball and I'm so happy for you. But hurry and bring back some warmth up here at home!!!!